One player got to 7 by opening 2C, rebidding 2NT, then exploring spade fit.
The 6 players who opened 3NT showing 25-27 hcp got to play it there.
If you look at the hand you will see that it has 28 hcp. I reasoned that if 2C-2D-2N showed 22-24 and opening 3NT shows 25-27, that 2C-2D-3NT would show more than 27 Hcp.
I was also left in game and was the only player to bid it that way. The definition says 25-27, same as opening 3NT.
I'm done trying to get handviewer and tinyurl in sync. I took the hv bracket thing, tinyurl link from hand records, and the www.bridgebase line and tried to past them between hv brackets. Nuthin' doing. I don't mind doing the manual handviewer at all, and just pasting tinyurl above it. It's only takes a mouse click to see the play-by-play and definitions.
While I'm at it, I've tried everything to claim hands. I tried waiting after I'd won a trick and card still lying on the table, to claim. I get the popup asking me to confirm that I want to concede the rest of of the tricks, even if I have 6 cards left that are AKQ, AKQ. An exaggeration of course, but it's almost that extreme.