You hear the redouble on your right and start shaking and trembling because 2H is 4+ per blurb so you cant bid 2H and if you pass idiot will PASS. So you say to yourself they are non-vul, opponent is a friend. What is $2.62 between friends. and idiot passes and you go for $2.62. Thank yourself NO overtricks.
In a subhuman/superhuman/human game I would have bid 2H in a flash.
So! the RULE should be for this situation responder is 3+ in suit bid not 4+
Hand #2
Do you double 5C? GIBBO in the past has made such doubles with 6S, 5D or other weird shapes. So you bite the bullet and pass 300 instead of 800 @$0.5 you do the math.
You thank yourself for a plus and move on.