1C as "strong or 4415 minus 1 card"
Posted 2017-June-26, 09:22
1♣ = like a strong 1♣ or Precison 2♦ opening,
then it should be possible to fake a normal strong 1♣ structure after that. E.g.
1♦ = "0-7" (=> 1♥+ = "19+, relay"; 1♠+ must somehow include the Precision 2♦ type hands. Ideas?)
1♥ = "8+, 5+ S / 14+ BAL" (=> 1♠ = 16+, relay; 2♣ = "Precision 2♦ opening")
1♠ = "8+, 5+ H" (=> 1N = 16+, relay, 2♣ = "Precision 2♦ opening")
1N = 8-13 BAL (=> 2♣ = 16+, relay; 2♦ = "Precision 2♦ opening")
2♣ = "8+, 5+ D" (=> 2♦ = 16+, relay; 2♥ = "Precision 2♦ opening")
2♦ = "8+, 5+ C" (=> 2♥ = 16+, relay; 2♠ = "Precision 2♦ opening" )
2♥ = "8-+, 5m4Om" (=> 2♠ = 16+, relay; 2N = "MAX Precision 2♦ opening"; 3♣ = "MIN Precision 2♦ opening")
which uses the same responses and allows the same relay structure as (one version of) Viking Club. (Unusual positives have to be bid somewhat differently, though.)
I'm sure others have had this idea before and scrapped it.
Posted 2017-June-26, 10:14
Is not 15+ strong and forcing so if your restricted by ACBL GCC you can't use Viking responses.
This looks all straight-forward with no interference and I have no idea if it is good.
If there is competition and expect it, you will have all sorts of problems.
Posted 2017-June-26, 11:04
Posted 2017-June-26, 11:43
Id rather then screw up my 1D opening, or other, by the way.
Posted 2017-June-26, 15:59
steve2005, on 2017-June-26, 10:14, said:
Seems like I've come up with a non-GCC compatible solution to a problem mostly felt by players who are restricted by the GCC. In Europe, 2♦ (or 2♥) as "4415 minus 1 card" might be as uncommon among Precision players as Flannery is among 2/1 players.
mikestar13, on 2017-June-26, 11:04, said:
phoenix214, on 2017-June-26, 11:43, said:
Id rather then screw up my 1D opening, or other, by the way.
I had almost forgotten about this thread, where my 1♣ opening is like a Precision 1♣, 2♣ and 2♦ opening in one, but with similar continuations to what I've outlined above.
Posted 2017-June-26, 17:19
a) 17+ any, except 25+ NT.
b) 11-13 NT without 5M.
c) 11-16 with "4415 minus one"
Convention card and a lot of details here: http://info.ecatsbri...kvist+notes.pdf
Posted 2017-June-26, 18:13
Kungsgeten, on 2017-June-26, 17:19, said:
Fantastic CC!
Interestingly, they used 1N as a GF relay over 1♣-1♠(8+, 4+ H), forcing Opener to rebid at the 2-level with 11-13 BAL and no fit.
Posted 2017-June-27, 00:44
For instance, he doesn't like being used as a human shield when we're being shot at.
I happen to think it's a very noble way to meet one's maker, especially for a guy like him.
Bottom line is we never let that difference of opinion interfere with anything."
Posted 2017-June-27, 08:46
benlessard, on 2017-June-27, 00:44, said:
Yes, see note 25B on their CC. Non-strong opener bids:
2C = No fit.
2D = Max with 3 or 4 hearts.
2H = Min with 4 hearts.
3C = Three-suited 14-16 with 3 hearts.
3D = Three-suited 14-16 with 4 hearts.
I guess that over opener's 2C rebid responder can pass, bid 2D or 2H to play (5+ suit). It seems a bit high to start INV+ sequences with 2S, but its probably okay.
Posted 2017-June-27, 11:51
Have played a similar set, that is somewhat workable
Posted 2017-July-22, 11:42
Opening structure:
1♣ = "10-15"*, either 5S6+C, 4S5+C, 4414 or "4154 minus 1 card" / "16+ unBAL / "17+ BAL"
1♦ = "11-13 BAL" / "10-15"*, either 6+ D, 5D5C, 4H5D, 4441 or "1445 minus 1 card"
1M = "10-15, 5+ M"
1N = "14-16 BAL"
2♣ = "10-15, 3-S6+C"
* maybe 11-16 instead of 10-15 if (4441)
The idea is to get a "Precision" 1♦ opening that is easier to handle without messing up the 1♣ opening too much.
1♦ = 0-7, most (all?) hands / "8+, 4+ H"
1♥ = "8+, 4+ S"
Not sure what to do with all the remaining space yet, so for now:
1♠ = "8+, no major"
1N = "0-3", wants to stop in 1N opposite 20-22 BAL*
* not possible after 1♣-1♦; 1♥-1♠; 1N(F)
1♣-1♦; ?:
1♥ = "16+, relay"
1♠ = "10-15, either 4+S2-H or 31(54)"
1N = "17-19 BAL"
2♣ = "10-15, 4315 (=> 2♦ = INV+ relay)
2♦ = "13-15", 4 H (rest "415 minus 1 card")
2♥ = "10-12", 4 H (rest "415 minus 1 card")
1♣-1♥; ?:
1♠ = "16+, relay"
1N = "10-15, either 4+S2-H or 31(54)"
...2♣ = GF relay
2♣ = "10-15, 3415 (=> 2♦ = INV+ relay)
2♦ = "13-15", 4 S, rest "415 minus 1 card"
2♥ = "10-12", 4 S, rest "415 minus 1 card"
(Notice that Opener rebids much the same way over 1♦ ("hearts or negative") as over 1♥ ("spades")!)
1♣-1♠; ?:
1N = 16+, relay
2♣ = "10-12, 4415 minus 1 card"
2♦ = "10-12, 41(54) minus 1 card"
2♥ = "13-15", 4415 minus 1 card
2♠ = "13-15, 41(54) minus 1 card"
Relay structure, with TOSR-style continuations wherever that makes sense:
1♣-1♦; 1♥-?:
1♠ = 0-7
...1N = "19+, unBAL" / "20+ BAL". F1.
...2♣+ = "16-18, NT defence" (e.g. Astpro)
1N = H+C 2-suiter or H+C+D 3-suiter or 45(40) or 44(41)*
...2♣ = relay
......2♦ = 3-suiter. Continuations as under 3-suiters below.
......2♥+ = H+C 2-suiter
2♣ = H+D 2-suiter
2♦ = BAL: 3433 or 4H(432)
2♥ = S+H reverser
2♠+ = H 1-suiter
1♣-1♥; 1♠-?:
1N = S+C 2-suiter or S+C+D 3-suiter or 54(40) or 44(50)*.
...2♣ = relay
......2♦ = 3-suiter. Continuations as under 3-suiters below.
......2♥+ = S+C 2-suiter
2♣ = S+D 2-suiter
2♦ = S+H non-reverser
2♥ = BAL: 4333 or 4S4m(32)
2♠+ = S 1-suiter
* So 44(41)/(50) shapes are split evenly between 1♣-1♦; 1♥-1N; 2♣-2♦ and 1♣-1♥; 1♠-1N; 2♣-2♦.
1♣-1♠; 1N-?:
2♣ = D+C 2-suiter
2♦ = C 1-suiter
2♥ = BAL: 4m333 or (32)44
2♠+ = D 1-suiter
I haven't put much thought into this, but maybe something like
1♣-1♦; 1♥-1N; 2♣-2♦; 2♥-?:
2♠ = SPL S
......3♣ = 0445
......3♦ = 0454
......3♥+ = 0544, zoom
2N = SPL D
...3♣ = relay
......3♦ = 4414
......3♥+ = 4504, zoom
3♣ = 1444
3♦+ = SPL C
3♦ = 4441
3♥+ = 4540, zoom
and, similarly,
1♣-1♥; 1♠-1N; 2♣-2♦; 2♥-?:
2♠ = SPL H
......3♣ = 4045
......3♦ = 4054
......3♥+ = 5044, zoom
2N = SPL D
...3♣ = relay
......3♦ = 4405
......3♥+ = 4504, zoom
3♣ = 4144
3♦+ = SPL C
3♦ = 4450
3♥+ = 4540, zoom
Balanced structure, further details
1♣-1♦; 1♥-2♦; 2♥(relay)-?:
I'm unable to steal everything from TOSR here, so maybe
2♠ = 4 S
...2N = relay
......3♣ = 4423
......3♦+ = 4432, zoom
2N = 4 C
...3♣ = relay
......3♦ = 2434
......3♥+ = 3424, zoom
3♣ = 3433
3♦+ = 4 D
3♦ = 2443
3♥+ = 3442, zoom
and, similarly,
1♣-1♥; 1♠-2♥; 2♠(relay)-?:
2N = 4 C
...3♣ = relay
......3♦ = 4234
......3♥+ = 4324, zoom
3♣ = 4333
3♦+ = 4 D
3♦ = 4243
3♥+ = 4342, zoom
This post has been edited by nullve: 2017-July-23, 05:59