Kaitlyn S, on 2016-October-22, 13:20, said:
A possible improvement is that when the DK wins at trick 2, lead a club from dummy. If East plays the CK, duck it, win the return and play 2 top trump. 2-2 trumps gives you the contract so assume East still has a trump. Cash the HA and CA and lead the S4, and East with nothing left but hearts will lead one, giving you 5 trump tricks, 3 hearts, the DK, and the CA.
If East doesn't play the CK, win the club, play 2 top trump and the HA, and toss East in with the third trump if he has it. This wins against 3811 in East as well. If East has the CK left, he can cash it for the 3rd defensive trick but declarer gets 5 trump, 3 hearts, 1 diamond, and the CA. [/b]This line loses to 3712 in East without the CK but I think it's the best line[b]. I'm also pretty certain I wouldn't have found it at the table.
It is not even remotely the best line, in fact it is a very inferior line.
W is obviously 1255 or he would lead his singleton which his pd bid by the way. But this is not important.
If W was 2155 and led
♦A, you can throw the cards in the air and they will fall back with 10 tricks .
The best line you suggest fails unless E has Kx
♣ when spades are 1-3 where ducking second diamond and making mandatory unblocks always make.
So shortly, with W 2155 and East 3811 Both trying to win
♦K at trick 2 and ducking it with unblocks wins.
When W has 1255 and East 3712 I always make, you make ONLY when E has
When W has 3055 and East has 1912 everyone goes down.
When W has 0355 and E has 4612 everyone goes down
How is the line you suggest suppose to be the best line, misses me by a mile.