barmar, on 2017-March-23, 15:21, said:
I hope that the shuffles of the smaller portions of the deck make up for how clumpy my riffles are when I shuffle the whole deck. And throwing in a few overhand shuffles ensures that I don't have the same top and bottom cards each time I riffle.
Blackjack dealers in casinos use a similar procedure of shuffling small parts of the deck first and then merging them, that's where I got the idea.
Blackjack dealers in casinos use a similar procedure of shuffling small parts of the deck first and then merging them, that's where I got the idea.
Yeah, it's the topmost and bottommost cards that are the least randomized from riffle shuffling. Throwing in even one overhand shuffle (before the final couple riffle shuffles) does the trick even if you're a clumpy riffle shuffler.
If that's how casino dealers randomize the cards, then, yeah, you can bet it's reliable. I think I'm pretty smart, but I'll trust the casinos to know how to randomize a deck more than I'll trust my rudimentary logic and limited experience.