This hand caused a lot of ill feeling at a North London club tonight. South was in 6S on the jack of hearts lead, and won in hand and advanced the jack of trumps. West took around 15 seconds to play the seven of spades, and declarer ducked in dummy. East won with the queen and returned a second heart, and declarer could no longer make the contract as the heart-club squeeze had been broken up.
South was one of the club's newest and nicest members, and she asked West, who looks and behaves like a Secretary Bird, why he took so long to play the seven of spades on the first round. SB replied, "I was trying to construct a layout where it would be right for my partner to return a club if he won with a putative king of spades," he responded. "We play suit preference in trumps, and my seven of spades told partner to play a second heart. Otherwise declarer could have cashed the ace of clubs as a Vienna Coup, and I would have been squeezed in the rounded suits. There are layouts where a club was required, but they seemed less likely, and I note that a second heart was indeed the only defence."
South was still not happy and she asked the TD to rule. The TD stated: "If you have a good bridge reason for going into the tank, then the requirements for adjusting the score are not met. The opponent draws inferences about your hesitation at her own risk." He declined to adjust the score. An AC was summoned but they also refused to adjust the score. The gist of their ruling was "yes West does have something to think about. playing a small spade wouldn't be ridiculous. you have the right to give the matter as much thought as you need to make your mind up, assuming that's what you're doing. if your opp misguesses what you're thinking about, that's just unlucky for her." Another opinion of an AC member was: "i would be careless if i was thinking about the latest twist in Eastenders or what I should have bid on the previous round of the auction. as long as i have a genuine bridge reason for thinking and am careful to limit the duration of that thinking time to this issue, i've done everything the law requires." All three AC members declined to adjust the score, and South's deposit was retained. SB was heard gloating about his latest Laws triumph at the bar afterwards. South left the club and she vowed never to return, and swore at SB as she left.
Do you agree with the TD and the AC?