RMB1, on 2015-October-09, 00:57, said:
Reluctantly, I might allow 6♦ as a non-partner-silencing replacement call under Law 27B1(b), if offender told me that once there was intervention he was trying to bid diamonds naturally and was confused about the level.
sanst, on 2015-October-09, 04:21, said:
It's clear that the director made an error in allowing W to bid.
I don't like it, but I think I would have gone for Avg+ for both, but please correct me.
lamford, on 2015-October-09, 04:35, said:
I agree, and standard PP for the TD.
VixTD, on 2015-October-09, 07:06, said:
I would try to work out the likelihood of some possible actual results had the director given a correct ruling, such as 5♠(E)=, 6♠(E)-1, 6♥X(N)-3 and 7♥X(N)-4. I know that awarding an artificial adjusted score is legal under law 12C1(d), but the difference in matchpoints between an Av+ and the assigned score you would have given to a non-offending side could be huge if all of the possible outcomes would have given them a poor score.
RMB1, on 2015-October-09, 07:28, said:
I was envisaging that (away from the table) responder told me that he seen that the next hand had bid over 4NT, that they do not have any agreements about action over intervention, and decided that he would show diamond support. Then I might rule that the (intended) meaning of 5♦ was "diamonds" and the (agreed) meaning of 6♦ was "diamonds", so Law 27B1(b) would apply and partner is not silenced.
Whatever East was trying to do, it seems clear that 5
♦, had it been sufficient, is not incontrovertibly not artificial. So a 27B1{a} ruling is right out. I would, like VixTD, be very reluctant to buy East's "5
♦ is natural" argument. I think he's trying to wriggle his way out of the dilemma. So I would not rule under 27B1{b}. Thus, it seems to me, the table director's ruling was an error. Now 82C applies, and the director "shall award an adjusted score". This should almost always be an
assigned adjusted score rather than an artificial one. So I agree with VixTD: try to work out what an assigned score would be, only invoking 12C1{d} as a last resort. I do agree with Paul's PP for the TD.