The bidding is simple. LHO opens 15-17 1NT and RHO bids 3D invitational. LHO accepts.
Partner leads ♥Q. Plan your defence.
It seems that you have 2 lines:
1.declarer already has 9 tricks. ♥K, 6 diamonds, AQ of clubs finesse.
In this case, you need to overtake and hope to case 4 spades in a hurry;(pd may have Kxxx in spades but with QJ10x of hearts, the H lead looks safer and is normal)
2.even if diamonds are running, it's not enough.
In this case, play declarer for ♠K,♥K,diamonds AJ and ♣A. Parnter has QJ10xx in hearts, and all you need to do is to overtake with ♥A and play back a H.
Is it a guess?