Posted 2015-June-16, 01:34
I'm going to play hearts for 3-3 K onside, since the X might indicate trumps are splitting 4-1. I don't like cross-ruffing or trying to set up diamonds.
To do this, ruff the first club and then SQ. Say defense backs a club; win the CA (pitching a diamond!) and another spade up. If a club continuation forces dummy, finesse hearts with the HT and H3 and then win the trump race (SJ, run hearts). If a diamond puts you on the board, finesse a heart to hand, ruff a club, and finesse another heart to hand and win the trump race.
As for the lead, how about the club Q? Maybe you can figure out what to do next.
On the 3rd board of a 7-board sectional Swiss,
in then top 3rd of the field
(you probably won a couple of overtrick imps in the first two boards),
partner aggressively puts you in 4♠.
How do you proceed on the ♣K lead?