This hand played by aldiiis since 2015-06-08 00:00:00 to 2015-06-11 00:00:00
The exact playing time :2015-06-08 19.52 - 20.04
Robot is basic or advanced? :I don't know.Aldiiis played 5 hands in total against Gib on 2015-05-08
Playing place :Main Bridge Club
The result:6♥N-1
After lead ♦5,dummy ♦Q ,Gib W played ♦K first then returned ♦K !
I think nobody can think this line is abnormal.
Well,then look down,please.
The exact playing time:2015-06-08 20.00
Robot is basic or advanced? : basic
Playing place :Main Bridge Club
The result : 6♥N=
After lead ♦5,dummy ♦Q,Gib W played ♦7? Three people conspired against me a person?
The result :4HN+2
The exact playing time:2015-06-08 19.52
Robot is basic or advanced? :I don't know.
Playing place :Main Bridge Club
The encounter was same with me.
Maybe maybe maybe some comments are this is basic robot,andvanced robot never play that.
Such type of comments are true?
I have asked aldiiis,but no reply so far.
Today very luck to me,Dianna_eve kindly help me,she played this hand by Advanced robot.Here is her hand records.
Playing time :today
Robot is basic or advanced? : it is advanced robot for sure.
Playing place :Main Bridge Club
The result: 6♥N-1
My conclusion :
1- There are some different between basic and advanced Gib on defence and playing,and advanced robot is really better than basic robot.
2- As for basic robot,same lead,different playing and same stupid.