Open? If so What With Matchpoints Red/Red
Posted 2013-September-20, 06:07
Posted 2013-September-20, 06:28
Posted 2013-September-20, 07:05

Posted 2013-September-20, 07:30
eagles123, on 2013-September-20, 06:07, said:
3♥ following the Rule of 2 and 3. The hand has 7 playing tricks
the requisite number for a vulnerable pre empt
- Dr Tarrasch(1862-1934)German Chess Grandmaster
Bridge is a game where you have two opponents...and often three(!)
"Any palooka can take tricks with Aces and Kings; the true expert shows his prowess
by how he handles the two's and three's" - Mollo's Hideous Hog
Posted 2013-September-20, 08:23
PhilG007, on 2013-September-20, 07:30, said:
the requisite number for a vulnerable pre empt
While I have nothing against 3♥ here at Game All, could I suggest that you go to Bridge with Dan and page down to "More Stuff" to find Partnership Bidding in Bridge by Robson and Segal. I think you would find this well-known and highly regarded work something of an eye-opener and it would help you to advance beyond the Culbertson stage to absorb some of the concepts within it, even if you do not choose to adopt all of them.
Posted 2013-September-20, 08:38
I can totally understand 3H at MP, but I am more afraid of missing 4M our way than I am of getting doubled off for being too high. This hand is way, way better than a usual 3H bid. I think partner will have no sane way to judge whether or not to raise to 4 on this hand.
I'd love to be able to open this hand 1H (and prefer it to 3H, though I understand that we cannot have an agreement, explicit or otherwise, to do so), and on the right day I might do just that.
"...we live off being battle-scarred veterans who manage to hate our opponents slightly more than we hate each other.” -- Hamman, re: Wolff
Posted 2013-September-20, 09:19
Besides, maybe the opps will play the hand in spades.
Posted 2013-September-20, 09:44
It's not a bad way to play ie. in club games if your partnership has imp event ambitions.
What is baby oil made of?
Posted 2013-September-20, 10:51
wyman, on 2013-September-20, 08:38, said:
The English regulation is so weird -- you can't have an "agreement" to do it, but you can do it. However, if partner is shown the hand and says "I would open it too" then you are deemed to have an agreement.
Although perhaps the Blue Book has done something to add some sense to this regulation; I really hope so.
I think that just going with "8 points or the Rule of 18" is simplest.
EDIT: had mistakenly typed "9 points"
Posted 2013-September-20, 10:52
Oct 2006: Mission impossible
Soon: Mission illegal
Posted 2013-September-20, 13:32
I don't like the void (and I think even Goren talked about side voids and opposite 4-card Majors in his "rule of 2 and 3"). I don't like the 4-card spade suit, because it's less likely I have to try to preempt them out of spades (not, as is usual, because spades may play better than hearts). But even with those issues, it's too pure not to be boring.
Posted 2013-September-21, 05:50
ggwhiz, on 2013-September-20, 09:44, said:
It's not a bad way to play ie. in club games if your partnership has imp event ambitions.
My partner tries to modify too much, in my opinion, of our game to fit the scoring system and it serves as a distraction. We played in a 2 day IMP pairs game once, the only time we had ever played such a scoring system, I swear if we had thought we were playing matchpoints we'd have been 40 IMPs higher. I get that some situations are very obvious modifications, but with most, the risk/reward ratio changes only slightly and usually you didn't really have hard numbers supporting your action anyway.
Ex. should I overcall 1♠ at IMP's and at matchpoints with X hand? I'll give you there's a difference, but if this is a clear "no" at IMP's then it's probably, at best, a very marginal "yes" at matchpoints. But if partner is used to your style at one form of scoring, now you can lack calibration. Pairs who plays different forms of scoring regularly can have detailed adjustments, but if you aren't experience with a scoring system, I think you're better off to just play "bridge".
BTW I really want to bid 4♥ as well. I try to never question that little voice inside my head that says "preempt to X level", opting instead for X-1 level.
Posted 2013-September-21, 07:57
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2013-September-21, 14:57
Posted 2013-September-21, 18:45
Posted 2013-September-22, 09:22
Zelandakh, on 2013-September-20, 08:23, said:
It may surprise you to learn that many people still play Culbertson for the simple reason it suits their
style. The fact it's now regarded as a 'dinosaur' system is wholly irrelevant.
- Dr Tarrasch(1862-1934)German Chess Grandmaster
Bridge is a game where you have two opponents...and often three(!)
"Any palooka can take tricks with Aces and Kings; the true expert shows his prowess
by how he handles the two's and three's" - Mollo's Hideous Hog
first seat MPS red/red