dake50, on 2013-January-18, 10:01, said:
What bid asks "tell me more?" Esp. min/max, 2nd suit, extra length, good controls.
Use that advancer-taking-charge bid. You designed that into your scheme, surely.
Use that advancer-taking-charge bid. You designed that into your scheme, surely.
I prefer the "tell me more" method as you suggest. I'm not convinced transfers work well after a 1M overcall. I'm toying with this scheme, which just gives up a little bit here and there, but makes all strong and invitational hands biddable.
After (1m)-1M-(pass):
1NT 8-12
2♣ 13+ no fit
2♦ fit, 9+
2M weak
2OM invitational
2NT nat GF
3m mixed raise
3om nat, inv
Youngsters may shudder at only having only two constructive raises available. 2♣ then new suit GF, 2♣ then 2NT inv. All other sequences obvious. So on this hand we would bid 2NT GF to check on hearts and give partner the option to insist on spades.
I think some Dutch pairs do something similar.