FINCH Cue Bid Goodbye to Michael's/U2NT, (Gh(Qu)estem and CRO?
Posted 2012-October-29, 11:49
It can be used when you are stronger, but generally it’s used as a weak, pre-emptive, 6-11 point bid, with both vulnerabilities being taken into account.
It replaces CRO (all types), Michael’s Cue Bid/Unusual 2NT, Ghestem and Questem.
Please click here for full details of the FINCH Cue Bid beautifully presented in Rich Text Format .rtf
or here for an Adobe .pdf version
or if you prefer click here for a Microsoft WORD .doc version
for a COMPARISON chart click here for an Adobe .pdf spreadsheet
Posted 2012-October-29, 12:17
A couple of comments:
I am reluctant to assign an artifical meaning to a natural weak 3♣, not just because of the risk of forgetting, but also because there is no alternative to passing with those hands. If you give up the cheapest WJO (1♣-2♦, 1♦-2♥ or 1♥-2♠) then not only is it lower ranking but you have the option of bidding 1 or 3 with the hand that can no longer bid 2.
If you slightly change the actions over 1♠ so that 3♣ is red suits, you can use it with strong hands and also transfer the declaration keeping the unknown hand hidden and putting opener on lead. But this would spoil the symmetry of the system.
Posted 2012-October-30, 05:08
Nevertheless it suffers from the disadvantage of all Ghestem permutations that you don't have 3♣ available as a natural bid and as such I won't be playing it anytime soon (perhaps vulnerable if I ever get a partner willing to play something very different V than NV).
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2012-October-30, 07:33
mgoetze, on 2012-October-30, 05:08, said:
Nevertheless, it suffers from the disadvantage of all Ghestem permutations that you don't have 3♣ available as a natural bid ....
Another system is Bailey Cue-bids which always gets unbid ♠ into the picture and retains 3C as natural :
In general:
( 1A ) - 2NT = 2 lowest unbid ( always )
( 1A ) - 2A = Highest and ONE of the 2 lowest
-- Simple Advances are for "pass or correct".
-- Advancer "cues" to show a strong unbalanced hand.
-- Advancer bids 2NT! to show a strong balanced hand.
w/stop(s) in Opener's suit.
-- If Advancer bids the "known" suit ( usually Sp),
Overcaller bids his "unknown" suit to show a stronger hand.
-- If Advancer bids the "unknown" suit, Overcaller cues
OR bids 2NT to show agreement and the stronger hand.
An example:
( 1D ) - ??
................ 2NT = 2 lowest unbid, ♥ / ♣
................ 2D = ♠ and ♥ or ♣
"imo by far in bridge the least understood concept is how to bid over a jump-shift
( 1M-1NT!-3m-?? )." ....Justin Lall
" Did someone mention relays? " .... Zelandakh
K-Rex to Mikeh : " Sometimes you drive me nuts " .
Posted 2012-October-30, 10:50
nigel_k, on 2012-October-29, 12:17, said:
If you slightly change the actions over 1♠ so that 3♣ is red suits, you can use it with strong hands and also transfer the declaration keeping the unknown hand hidden and putting opener on lead. But this would spoil the symmetry of the system.
Well, I never knew I played Questem!
This is an interesting idea. You can keep it symmetrical by using the cue, the next suit (cheapest WJO), and 2NT in a sort of just-2-suited-suction, so that
cue = next 2 up
next suit = next 2 up
2NT = the remaining 2 suits, ie the 2 surrounding the opener
This always puts opener on lead, and you can use it with a strong option if you wish.
But I don't like the thought of giving up a major WJO.
Posted 2012-October-30, 15:48
mgoetze, on 2012-October-30, 05:08, said:
Also being forced to 3 level over a simple 1♣ opening when we hold the boss suit ♠ and dominant minor ♦, is awful imo.
"It's only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence!"
"Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say."
Posted 2012-October-30, 20:39
Posted 2012-October-31, 02:40
Over 1♣
2♣ = wjo in a major or ♠ + ♦, strong
2♦ = wjo
2♥ = majors, weak (can reduce this to 5♥4♠ if desired)
2♠ = ♠ + ♦, weak (can reduce this to 5♠4♦ if desired)
2NT = ♥ + ♦
3♣ = majors, strong
Over 1♦
2♦ = wjo in a major or ♠ + ♣, strong
2♥ = majors, weak (can reduce this to 5♥4♠ if desired)
2♠ = ♠ + ♣, weak (can reduce this to 5♠4♣ if desired)
2NT = ♥ + ♣
3♣ = wjo
3♦ = majors, strong
After a 1M opening it is much more difficult. For example, after a 1♥ opening you have 3 weak hand types including spades so you either have to combine 2 of them (as per Michaels) or force to the 3 level. Regardless, it surely has to be better to play cue = oM + ♣; 2NT = minors; 3♣ = oM + ♦ than the way Finch is laid out.
Posted 2012-October-31, 05:15
Posted 2012-October-31, 06:35
Posted 2012-October-31, 10:53
Posted 2012-November-04, 12:14
TWO4BRIDGE, on 2012-October-30, 07:33, said:
Yes it is of course necessary to emphasize the name because there are surely thousands of other names to call this convention that must be eliminated. I'm sticking to calling it "Polish Michaels" though as it is what 90% of Poles and 10% of Germans assume you mean when you say that you play Michaels.
32519, on 2012-October-31, 10:53, said:
Do you ever hold the conventions you invent yourself, or indeed write books about, to such standards? LOL.
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2012-November-04, 16:09
mgoetze, on 2012-November-04, 12:14, said:
You learn something every day. I looked up Bailey and thought it was Michaels. Then I looked up Michaels to discover I had been misplaying it for years