The auction and play above were at my table; I was East. You may or may not agree with our auction or my line of play.
Anyway, the play proceeded as shown above. Diamond lead won by the ace; club to the king and ace; diamond ruffed; club queen; club ruff; diamond ruff.
I decided I may as well ruff the last club, so I led it and called for dummy's spade king, prepared to concede down one. North underruffed with the ♠Q! Obviously a miss-pulled card; I think she was trying to overruff. I had figured on picking up some IMPs opposite 4♥ making at the other table, but obviously +590 was going to be a big win.
I don't know the auction at the other table, but I suspect EW were silent. The contract was SIX hearts by North. Declarer won the spade lead in hand, ruffed a spade in the dummy, and led a high diamond. (With no opposing bidding she had no reason to suspect a 5-1 split, but I think she should have drawn a round of trump first anyway.)
West won the ♦A and continued diamonds. For reasons known only to him, instead of ruffing in with the setting trick, East discarded.
Instead of -100 and -100, we were +590 and +1430. Amazing.