Of course double is not takeout lol. We showed 20-22 BALANCED and partner passed.
Imo double is t/o and I think it's way better to play it as t/o.
Partner couldn't bid anything below GF strength but odds of him having a 5-6carder somewhere opposite our say: xx AKxx AQx AKxx are great.
I mean, they have heard about 20-22 balanced part and still choose to overcall, it's not like we are collecting 500+ more often than once a century.
4441 hands are awful, and near impossible to bid
In Vanilla 2/1 they are, in some decent system they aren't. Just open 1C and bid some multimeaning 2D reverse next round, wtp ?
Even playing vanilla you could open 1D and reverse in hearts. It sucks a bit to have 4-4 instead of 5-4 but vanilla standard always suck with strong hand anyway, this lie is not even that big.
If they bid spades you will have easy double all the way describing your hand perfectly.
manudude03 writes "First question is what do you open with this collection? Suppose you open 2NT, it goes 2NT-P-P-3S, what do you do now? MPs scoring if it matters.
1. Open 1♣ = 10, 1♦ = 9, 2♣ = 7, 2N = 6. Prefer 1♣ to 1♦ because it is less likely to be passed out.
2. Now Pass = 10, Double = 7. (In practice, I confess I might make a Walrus double)