Here's an interesting lead problem from a regional MPs game.
You hold, all NV,
♠ AQ98x
♥ 9x
♦ T987
♣ xx
Do you lead a systemic spade or go slow with a diamond? This has a solution later on
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Lead problem
Posted 2011-October-23, 14:49
♦T - I don't want to give away the 9th trick with an aggressive lead. Though the ♠ is right on some layouts of course.
Posted 2011-October-24, 02:21
A systemic ♦T I'd say... In imps I'd lead a ♠ because it's the best chance to defeat the contract. But in MP every trick is important, so leading ♠ is too risky.
"It may be rude to leave to go to the bathroom, but it's downright stupid to sit there and piss yourself" - blackshoe
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