Fluffy, on 2011-September-20, 14:21, said:
but bear in mind that the legit defence you are looking for is not legit in theory either, declarer is marked with 3235 on the bidding unless he bid wrongly. Also cashing ♣A gives up on the only lay out where ducking ♠K works (♠Ax and ♣A on north)
Its hell of a normal bid with 4234 to me. Steve Weinstein wrote about this i guess in bridge winners or an interview why he thinks bidding 1NT is better with those hands. But you were the one at the table, if they say he can not have 4
♠ then yes we can probably take this option out.
EDIT: And u are wrong about ducking works when N having Ax
♠ and A
♣ situation, He covers 2nd
♠. Covering first
♠ can be an option only if he has KTx(x) and believes that South played unprotected Q or from AQxx since he will probably play T on 2nd round if south plays low.
I actually can not construct hands for NS that ducking twice works, that makes sense with the bidding and the lead.
If South has
-Stiff Q, doesnt matter as long as he doesnt cover first spade, and N wld have AJxxxx spade either wld overcall or lead.
-QJ tide, doesnt make sense N wld lead spade
-QJx he is dead anyway (unless he has T)
-QJxx dead
-QJxxx covers 2nd spade
and by not covering 2nd spade he loses to all combinations when south has spade Ace.
I am telling you, as long as u do not cash your spade Ace, this guy decided and was going to go down regardless of what u played imo.
I mean Andy explained this guy had KQ vs JTxxx suit which gives u 4 tricks most of the time and u have to play this suit even if
♥ finesse works and 3-3, still took the
♥ finesse...go figure what he was thinking, if any.