( opps silent )
7D How would you get there ?
Posted 2011-April-24, 16:27
( opps silent )
"imo by far in bridge the least understood concept is how to bid over a jump-shift
( 1M-1NT!-3m-?? )." ....Justin Lall
" Did someone mention relays? " .... Zelandakh
K-Rex to Mikeh : " Sometimes you drive me nuts " .
Posted 2011-April-24, 17:50
I'm still not sure how to value cards in the splintered suit on hands like these - KJxx seems an awful waste, but the key point here is that you have a 10 card diamond fit and that means ruffs, ruffs, ruffs. Not to mention the CQ is gonna be a very useful card now that partner opened clubs and showed a strong hand.
Posted 2011-April-24, 19:34
Couldn't Responder have 4 cards Hts too ?
"imo by far in bridge the least understood concept is how to bid over a jump-shift
( 1M-1NT!-3m-?? )." ....Justin Lall
" Did someone mention relays? " .... Zelandakh
K-Rex to Mikeh : " Sometimes you drive me nuts " .
Posted 2011-April-24, 20:16
TWO4BRIDGE, on 2011-April-24, 19:34, said:
Couldn't Responder have 4 cards Hts too ?
Do you bid up-the-line?
Even if partner could have hearts with both opponents silent partner is an overwhelming favourite to have spades.
I would be happy to give up on the slim chance of a better heart spot and raise diamonds immediately.
I believe that the USA currently hold only the World Championship For People Who Still Bid Like Your Auntie Gladys - dburn
dunno how to play 4 card majors - JLOGIC
True but I know Standard American and what better reason could I have for playing Precision? - Hideous Hog
Bidding is an estimation of probabilities SJ Simon
Posted 2011-April-24, 20:38
Posted 2011-April-24, 22:45
What if the question is 7S? 7H? or 7D? or 7NT? Even avoiding failing grand?
The hand fits that bidding because no H:4-4?
Or somewhere no H:4-4 was shown?
Posted 2011-April-25, 01:36
TWO4BRIDGE, on 2011-April-24, 19:34, said:
Couldn't Responder have 4 cards Hts too ?
JLOGIC: "I like 3S also if playing a style where partner only bids 1D with a 4 card major if he has a GF hand. We are just very likely to have a slam if partner has 4 hearts in that case."
North South
1C - 1D
3S! - ??
"imo by far in bridge the least understood concept is how to bid over a jump-shift
( 1M-1NT!-3m-?? )." ....Justin Lall
" Did someone mention relays? " .... Zelandakh
K-Rex to Mikeh : " Sometimes you drive me nuts " .
Posted 2011-April-25, 01:54
TWO4BRIDGE, on 2011-April-25, 01:36, said:
North South
1C - 1D
3S! - ??
Sure this can happen but it is a very unlikely layout.
The opponents have ten spades and neither bid. Sure they don't have many points but there are many players who don't let the lack of high cards disrupt them from mentioning the boss suit.
I believe that the USA currently hold only the World Championship For People Who Still Bid Like Your Auntie Gladys - dburn
dunno how to play 4 card majors - JLOGIC
True but I know Standard American and what better reason could I have for playing Precision? - Hideous Hog
Bidding is an estimation of probabilities SJ Simon
Posted 2011-April-25, 02:20
Posted 2011-April-25, 03:24
TWO4BRIDGE, on 2011-April-25, 01:36, said:
North South
1C - 1D
3S! - ??
I think South has an automatic 3N bid in this example. Perhaps the more interesting decision is North's next call?
Psyche (pron. sahy-kee): The human soul, spirit or mind (derived, personification thereof, beloved of Eros, Greek myth).
Masterminding (pron. m

"Gentlemen, when the barrage lifts." 9th battalion, King's own Yorkshire light infantry,
2000 years earlier: "morituri te salutant"
"I will be with you, whatever". Blair to Bush, precursor to invasion of Iraq
Posted 2011-April-25, 03:47
1eyedjack, on 2011-April-25, 03:24, said:
Sure the ♠KJ suggest NTs however he does have 10 working points when he might have had close to none.
I believe that the USA currently hold only the World Championship For People Who Still Bid Like Your Auntie Gladys - dburn
dunno how to play 4 card majors - JLOGIC
True but I know Standard American and what better reason could I have for playing Precision? - Hideous Hog
Bidding is an estimation of probabilities SJ Simon
Posted 2011-April-25, 13:19
TWO4BRIDGE, on 2011-April-25, 01:36, said:
North South
1C - 1D
3S! - ??
again no partner cannot have this hand.
also the opp have ten spades and never bid.
Posted 2011-April-25, 13:43
mike777, on 2011-April-25, 13:18, said:
Am I the only one who will have Responder with 4/4 in the reds and GF values bid ♦ first; whereas, will bid ♥ first with less than GF values -- even with longer ♦ .
TWO4BRIDGE, on 2011-April-25, 01:36, said:
The way I see this one:
North South
1C - 1D
1H - 2H ( GF as per MrAce's logic: bids ♦ first with GF 4h/4+d )
3S!( splinter ) - 4H
"imo by far in bridge the least understood concept is how to bid over a jump-shift
( 1M-1NT!-3m-?? )." ....Justin Lall
" Did someone mention relays? " .... Zelandakh
K-Rex to Mikeh : " Sometimes you drive me nuts " .
Posted 2011-April-25, 13:51
As far as your last auction here, ok but it will be a bit more complicated if the opp bid their ten card spade fit.
Also on your last auction you never gave pard a chance to support diamonds if you had longer d. It sounds like the south hand is unbalanced when it is very b alanced but if that does not bother you ok.
Posted 2011-April-25, 15:13
mike777, on 2011-April-25, 13:51, said:
As far as your last auction here, ok but it will be a bit more complicated if the opp bid their ten card spade fit.
Also on your last auction you never gave pard a chance to support diamonds if you had longer d. It sounds like the south hand is unbalanced when it is very b alanced but if that does not bother you ok.
I never mentioned the "W"-word.
I guess I play a modified Walsh.
Here is a delayed Diam-support auction for the original hand:
TWO4BRIDGE, on 2011-April-24, 16:27, said:
( opps silent )
North South
1C - 1D
1H - 1S! ( must be GF w/ or w/o 4♠ )
2D* - 3D ( 5+♦ )
3H ( cue ) - 3S ( cue )
4C ( cue ) - 4D! ( Minorwood )
5D! ( 2 + must be ♠ void ) - 7D ( known 10 card ♦ fit )
* 2D = must be 4 cards: either 1 4 4 4 or 0 4 4 5
Opener would not bid 2D with only 3 cards ♦ since Responder might have only 4.
"imo by far in bridge the least understood concept is how to bid over a jump-shift
( 1M-1NT!-3m-?? )." ....Justin Lall
" Did someone mention relays? " .... Zelandakh
K-Rex to Mikeh : " Sometimes you drive me nuts " .
Posted 2011-April-26, 03:25
1♣ - 1♦
1♥ -
Also why is everyone assuming North has the ♣K?
Would the bidding not be identical if North's hand was
If you ace ask via Minorwood / 4♥ then there is room for a king ask after 5♦
but there is no such room over Blackwood.
So I like TWO4BRIDGES's auction with the addition of a specific king ask before committing to 7♦
Posted 2011-April-26, 04:05
1♥-3♦ (forcing)
4♠-5♦ (Exclusion)
Posted 2011-April-26, 04:07
TWO4BRIDGE, on 2011-April-25, 01:36, said:
North South
1C - 1D
3S! - ??
So we get to 6♦ instead of 6♥. Seems a good idea to me.