Hi all,
I have some new ideas that I may consider developing on BBO. Although I am not fully committed to developing these ideas as of yet, I would like to get some feedback if any willing and qualified persons would consider participating as a partner. Having some experience in developing ideas on BBO, I have some idea of the skills required to move full steam ahead.
Currently the project would be myself and persons that may respond to this. My desire is to partner with one (at most two) highly skilled technical minds and respected players/organizers.
The idea I wish to develop includes a universally recognized and accepted "Bridge Domain". This domain will include ability for others to create and manage Clubs and Tournaments within BBO. The domain will specialize in providing standardized services to bridge players (directors, points, ratings, ethics, procedures, etc) in which we will fully coordinate the data management and administration/management of the domain.
Here are the skills in which I feel are important;
- Important:
SOUND Technical Mind
Technical Skills: HTML/JavaScript/SQL/Database
System Architecture
Project Management
Ability to Think "outside the box"
Good Communicator
Solid Understanding of Bridge (procedures, rules, etc)
TIME (perhaps ability to dedicate 10-20 or more hours per week)
- Not So Important (but nice to have):
Lotus Notes/Domino
Good Bridge Player (Popular and Well Respected)
Upon lucking across somebody willing and able to partner in this effort, I will be able to provide the necassary software and hardware required for the project as well as full access to my server for development, testing, and deployment.
This future of this project may be "for profit", however the immediate concern would be to develop the best club/tourney management and administrative web application around.
Michael A Lucy
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New BBO Club(s)/Tourney(s) Looking for help
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