Recent movies reviews/recommendations/warnings
Posted 2009-January-31, 18:33
Posted 2009-June-08, 18:48
My wife and I saw this last week. Fun, summer movie.
Posted 2009-June-08, 23:29
Did have a date night two weeks ago and saw The Soloist. So much potential, but they didn't get it right.
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2009-June-11, 03:34
akhare, on Jan 16 2009, 09:01 PM, said:
y66, on Nov 12 2008, 11:27 AM, said:
Some scenes are violent, bloody and disturbing.
I too really liked the film, but thought the vampire's gender (if there's any such thing) was ambiguous. As I recall, there were pointed references to the ambiguity in the dialog ("Would you still like me if I weren't a girl" or something like that) and in the screenplay as well...
She said she wasn't a girl but I don't think that referred to her sex, what she meant was she wasn't human at all since she was a vampire.
Very nice story, good actors, reasonable soundtrack. Not bad shut but some more close-ups on faces could have helped to emphasize the emotions of the characters, I think the director deliberately wanted to keep a distance to the characters but I wonder why. A little too violent for my taste but not extremely. Not the kind of film to think much about afterwards, but good entertainment.
Posted 2009-June-11, 06:23
Brick is absolutely brilliant (film noir set in a high school). If "Bloom" is half as good I'll walk away very happy.
Posted 2009-June-11, 14:11
Posted 2009-June-11, 16:10
wyman, on 2012-May-04, 09:48, said:
rbforster, on 2012-May-20, 21:04, said:
My YouTube Channel
Posted 2009-June-11, 16:16
luke warm, on Jun 11 2009, 03:11 PM, said:
You should enjoy both of those.
btw finally rented caprica, it was pretty boring until the very end.
Have brick in my queue for a while but still got 20 movies ahead of it.
Brother's Bloom finally coming to my area next week, looks good.
As for decent, recent movies check out:
Up, Love you Man, Gomorrah and Sin Nombre and AdventureLand.
Posted 2009-August-08, 10:04
Posted 2009-August-08, 12:14
mike777, on Jun 11 2009, 05:16 PM, said:
Up, Love you Man, Gomorrah and Sin Nombre and AdventureLand.
i did like torino, though not as much as my wife - she thought it was his best ever, for me it wasn't even close... taken was very good, if (like most such) slightly unbelievable... i added your suggestions to my queue
Posted 2009-August-08, 13:37
helene_t, on Jun 11 2009, 04:34 AM, said:
akhare, on Jan 16 2009, 09:01 PM, said:
y66, on Nov 12 2008, 11:27 AM, said:
Some scenes are violent, bloody and disturbing.
I too really liked the film, but thought the vampire's gender (if there's any such thing) was ambiguous. As I recall, there were pointed references to the ambiguity in the dialog ("Would you still like me if I weren't a girl" or something like that) and in the screenplay as well...
She said she wasn't a girl but I don't think that referred to her sex, what she meant was she wasn't human at all since she was a vampire.
Very nice story, good actors, reasonable soundtrack. Not bad shut but some more close-ups on faces could have helped to emphasize the emotions of the characters, I think the director deliberately wanted to keep a distance to the characters but I wonder why. A little too violent for my taste but not extremely. Not the kind of film to think much about afterwards, but good entertainment.
Actually the scar that's briefly visible is supposed to hint at a ritual castration (obstensibly as part of some initiaton ceremony).
It's explicitly mentioned in the book (or director's commentary -- I forget which)...
Posted 2009-August-08, 13:42
The usual caveats apply of course -- definitely not for the squeamish or the easily offended...
Posted 2009-August-08, 14:31
I do again recommend Love You Man if in the mood for a smart comedy and Sin Nombre may be the best movie of the year so far.
Posted 2009-August-08, 14:51
Nice to know that seal milk is some 40% fat and that antarctic seals are so un-afraid of humans that they don't resist when milk samples are taken.
Otherwise no interesting information. Lousy shots, and as for the sound track, remember to bring ear plugs if you are going to watch it.
Some silly stories about why researchers end up in Antarctica, and what else they can tell about their lives, like that one of them had weird proportions of his finger lengths which shows that he descents from an Inca king and such.
But the main point of the film is that our civilization is destroying the world and Gaia will take revenge and kill us all and global warming makes icebergs break off which will move to the north and kill us and some day a new civilization will rise and they will find the ruins of our buildings and scratch heads about why we build such silly things yada yada yada.
Amazingly financed by the National Science Foundation.
Rating: Z-------.
Posted 2009-August-25, 16:48
Posted 2009-August-25, 18:12
Posted 2009-August-25, 18:20
Posted 2009-August-25, 19:34
olliebol, on Aug 25 2009, 07:12 PM, said:
Yes, I recommended this movie here in the forums last year, wonderful small gem of a movie.
Bandslam: 2009 a wonderful small gem of a movie, battle of the bands, high school, coming of age movie.....
Not many have bothered to see this movie but see it, you will love it!
Posted 2009-August-25, 21:53
olliebol, on Aug 25 2009, 07:12 PM, said:
Second that -- from what I remember, it was bloody good fun in both the literary and literal sense of the term

Posted 2009-August-29, 14:33
Psyche (pron. sahy-kee): The human soul, spirit or mind (derived, personification thereof, beloved of Eros, Greek myth).
Masterminding (pron. m

"Gentlemen, when the barrage lifts." 9th battalion, King's own Yorkshire light infantry,
2000 years earlier: "morituri te salutant"
"I will be with you, whatever". Blair to Bush, precursor to invasion of Iraq