Posted 2018-September-12, 06:43
One layout that beats you is when trumps are 4-1 and you don't duck the heart. Now, even though the club honours are split (which is likely from no top club lead), if you win the first heart and play two trumps to discover East has 4, then play a club from dummy. East can fly with the king of clubs, play a heart to her partner and then pitch a club on the third heart and there is no way home.
Two other layouts that beat you are hearts 7-1 and you duck, of course, and clubs 4-2 where they can take a club ruff unless there is AK tight.
The late, great, Patrick Jourdain once castigated me for going off guarding against trumps 4-1, when I could have made it as trumps were 3-2! And he of the safety play with KT87xx opposite Ax as well!
You have to judged your opponents. I won the heart, and East did not fly with the king of clubs. Trumps were 4-1 and clubs 3-3.
I prefer to give the lawmakers credit for stating things for a reason - barmar
IMPs; 8 board match; lead K♥
West leads the king of hearts against your normal game. What pitfalls do you foresee and how do you play?