Posted 2021-June-21, 22:35
Yes, the defence needs to switch to a red suit after winning the club exit. It doesn’t need to be a heart.
Declarer is known to be either 4=3=3=3 or 4=2=4=3, by the auction.
If he has Qxxx in diamonds, he’d have played that suit already
If he has Qxx in diamonds, he’d have played that suit already....if he has the heart Ace he simply has 9 winners and if he’s off the heart Ace, he’d try diamonds rather than, in essence, giving up.
He is known to hold 9 hcp in the blacks, and at most 1 in diamonds. He has to have the heart Ace. So the danger is, as has been noted, that he has AJx in hearts and partner is going to get squeezed. The heart switch is the simplest, but note what happens on a diamond switch. Declarer can’t duck it, so he has to win and now he can’t get off dummy without breaking up the squeeze.
At the table, I was dummy. We were in the GNT District event. While kibs were barred, my wife came into the room and asked how we were doing. Since I was dummy, I could see what was going on, and invited her to watch. I told her that declarer would play on spades, hoping for 3-3 or east holding Jx/10x (if J10x, he was going down).
Once spades broke I said he’s going to cash the last spade and exit a club.
As it happened, and this happens quite often, west spoiled the situation by pitching a club on the fourth spade, keeping KQx Qxxx in the reds. This made it trivial since east couldn’t switch to a red card without abandoning his clubs. Had they defended correctly, declarer has to hope for Qx in diamonds.
I got a kick out of it, ruined only a little by the misdefence, because one doesn’t see suicide squeezes very often.
I wasn’t sure how to post a play problem, a defence problem or as a ‘would you rather play or defend’ problem...though I thought that would be the least interesting.
Sorry for posting north as declarer. That was the real life situation, but I should have rotated the hands for convenience
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